Skyimart is wholly owned by Sky-I Holdings Limited.  Popular culture is no longer regional. With the popularity of platforms like “YouTube”, live streaming international television, syndicated radio programs, and the Internet has created a world where anything from a fashion statement to homeware products in France, Germany or Italy will be in magazines published in China, Hong Kong, Japan or Korea in a matter of days and reaching their retail stores in a matter of weeks. The speed of communication systems has increased customers’ expectations and demands for products that represent their own cultural statement.

The mission of Sky-I Holdings Limited is to capitalise on this demand and offer premium European based products to Hong Kong clients seeking luxury to high end products at an affordable price which are not available locally or before they’re available in mainstream retail stores. Our products which are European made, rather than products which claim to be made in Europe but close inspection reveals that they are made elsewhere.  We are an accessible website that is entertaining to surf. Like a trip to a clients’ favourite store, they will always find something interesting which they can get before their friends do.

In a nutshell, the difference between Skyimart and other “European-based” e-commerce websites are that Skyimart is focused only on European products that are not available locally and are 100% made in Europe, as opposed to a product that may be sold in Europe but is made elsewhere.  Not just design and style count but quality and safety as well.